August Gardening Guide

With spring on the horizon, August is the perfect month to get busy in the backyard and garden. 



For the most part, you can sit back and enjoy your lawn over the last month of winter. There are still a few things you can do to prepare for the warmer weather ahead.

Continue to dig out or carefully spray broad-leaf weeds and use this off-time to get the mower serviced before spring. Fill in exposed patches with our premium Lawn Mix for quick germination and to maintain a healthy lawn.

If you’re wanting to sow a new lawn, start preparing your area towards the end of August.


Use August to get your vege garden ready for the growing season by preparing the soil and planting the right kind of crops.

The winter weather has likely compressed the soil, reducing the amount of air and water to help with growth. Dig in some premium Organic Compost to give the soil some love before spring.

To Plant: beetroot, cauliflower, peas, mesclun, broccoli, spinach, kale and cabbage. Oh and don’t forget the herbs: coriander, rosemary, thyme, parsley and sage.

To Harvest: Brussel sprouts, celery, parsnips, mizuna, leeks, rocket, silver beet and winter lettuces.

To Prepare: Potatoes! If you want home-grown spuds for the Christmas table, start spouting seed potatoes now. It will give them a head start for September and will ensure they’re enjoyed on Christmas day.



Remove any diseased or dead wood and get pruning to encourage new growth for spring. Stake young fruit trees using our natural Tree Tie and Wooden Stakes to help anchor roots. If you’re in a colder climate, use a frost cloth like our Mikroclima to protect vulnerable fruit trees.

Start strawberry planting! A good crop requires a bit of winter weather to encourage the flower buds so August is a great time to start the process.



A great nutrient-packed planting medium for any successful fruit or veggie crop is our premium Garden Mix. It’s 100% weed free, ready-to-plant and full of fertilizer and other nourishing ingredients.